2023: Waste or Win?

There’s more to life than revenue goals

Confused Tom Hanks GIF

If you thought October was a scary month, take a look at your calendar now.

Glancing at a year with less than 2 months to go is a sobering sight.

It’s hard not to wonder where the heck time has gone…

And for some entrepreneurs, it’s even harder to not see the year as wasted.

How come?

The end of the year prompts people to reflect on their goals. Their deadline — December 31, 2023 — is crystallizing before their eyes. 

And we often measure our success by the gap that lies in front of us — the space between where we are and where we want to be.

Every positive step we’ve taken gets squashed by the sight of unmet goals.

Feeling disappointed?

I get it.

But don’t ruin your year by forgetting what you have done.

Instead, try a practice that has the power to challenge your perspective and transform your approach to business goals from here on out.

Today in 3 minutes or less:

✔️ What to do when defeat comes knocking

✔️ Practical tips for finding perspective


“Count your blessings” is a phrase we’ve all heard a million times. 

Often, it feels like an empty statement. Something that’s said when someone doesn’t understand what you’re going through. 

While an eye roll is warranted, there’s something potent about this advice.

When you find yourself measuring your progress by the gaping space between where you are and where you’d like to be…

“Count your blessings.”

… Because the hidden practice behind these lines is Gratitude

This statement best sums up gratitude’s transformative power:

“Gratitude anchors us back toward our inner knowing that we are in control of our peace” (Forbes). 

Gratitude might feel like a buzzword (or “buzz practice” rather), but its ability to anchor you back to your senses is no joke. 

When you feel like your day is doomed because of the demanding task in front of you…

Or like you can’t catch a break and you’ve gotta go-go-go before the clock strikes 5…

Taking moments to feel gratitude can help you connect with your nervous system, return to the present moment, and slow down.

When you reconnect with yourself and bring your attention to the things you appreciate and love, you can pause any out-of-control thoughts ruminating up here 🧠.

The result? A more positive mindset and better outcomes.


Research has found that people’s outcomes can align with and reflect the gratitude they feel. 

So if you’re bogged down by the sight of your subscriber count — maybe you didn’t reach the additional 10 you were hoping to bring in by the end of October and you’re stressing about what this will do to your EOY goal…

Pause and think about the progress you have made or the other grand things in your life:

  • Maybe it’s the fact that you started this morning outside with a little movement

  • Or the game night you had with your family last night

  • Maybe it’s the fact that you’ve managed to retain 80% of your current clients over the course of the year

Whatever it is, one thing holds true: Your quality of life and accomplishments are not defined by the goal you haven’t met. 

And gratitude can help you change the way you measure the quality of your life, business, and progress. 

It really can’t hurt to try it out for a few days.


Here’s the good stuff — practical ways to start incorporating gratitude into your daily routine. These suggestions are super simple, but require a little effort and mindfulness on your part:

  • ☕ Morning: Start your day by jotting down 1-3 things you're grateful for (the number is up to you). It could be as simple as last night’s sleep or great feedback from a client. Set a positive tone for yourself. I recommend writing these somewhere you come back to often: Maybe that’s the pad of paper where you write your to-do list or a digital sticky note on your desktop.

  • 🥪 Lunchtime: Revisit these when you come back from lunch, right before you hop into the busyness of work. Remind yourself of what’s going right before facing anything that’s stressing you out. 

  • 😴 Evening: Before your head hits the pillow, reflect on your day. What went well? What was your favorite moment from the day? End the day on a positive note, no matter how challenging it was.

Remember, gratitude isn't just for Thanksgiving. It's a powerful tool we can use daily to enhance our lives, boost our progress, and bring perspective to our challenges.

To profiting more and working less. 💸 


News you want to read...

🌴 How do you plant 15 billion trees in a nation that’s experiencing the effects of climate change? You give citizens a day to plant two trees each and call it a new holiday.

🚗 Uber your laundry and Christmas decorating? I mean, that sounds pretty great to me.

🍁 The H-1B visa program lures highly-skilled international geniuses to the U.S. for jobs in industries like healthcare and tech. Why are many of them fleeing to Canada?


In my latest YouTube video, I tear down one of HighLevel’s new workflow recipes.

Have you explored them yet?

Watch me review one of their latest feature releases and rebuild the automation so that it’s…

1) error-free

2) less of a beast

This video’s for you if you want to keep leveling up your customer support and make HighLevel simple ⬇️ ⬇️


Ready to kick your agency into high gear? HL Pro Tools has got your back with two awesome options to join our community and start making moves:

🌟 Get branded support for your HighLevel agency @ hlprotools.com. We give you all the tools you need to kick SaaS, complete with personalized branding that will make you feel like a boss.

🌟 Join our Facebook group and connect with other CEOs who are revolutionizing the game by sharing insider tips and tricks that will make you feel like a true industry leader in no time!


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