Are you “cheating” your way to success?

Are you “cheating” your way to success?

Just the other day, I had a heart-to-heart with an entrepreneur who confessed he felt like a "cheat" for outsourcing tasks. He's not alone.

We get it.

It's a conundrum every founder faces — do you handle every detail yourself to ensure quality, or do you delegate tasks and feel like you're compromising the very essence of your business?

A real head-scratcher, isn't it?

Let's get this straight.

We're all in this game to build something monumental, something that outlives us. And let's face it, if we're buried in $10-an-hour tasks, that legacy is going nowhere fast.

I'm going to show you how to become a pro at guilt-free outsourcing, while maintaining quality and liberating your most valuable asset... Time.

Today in 7 minutes or less:

✔️ The feast and famine of entrepreneurship

✔️ Bake a pie with low-hanging fruits

✔️ Your “can’t” is someone else’s “can”

✔️ The Holy Trinity of outsourcing


Ah, the feast and famine cycle — the entrepreneurial rollercoaster that most of us know all too well.

You're either swimming in work, on top of the world, or you're in the valleys of "What am I even doing with my life?"

Sound about right?

You kick off your biz and, at first, you're not that good. Then you improve, get less bad, and maybe even earn the badge of being "good" at what you do.

That's when people start taking notice.

They want to pay you to do that "thing" you're good at, which is fantastic… But it also puts you in a bind.

See, being good at doing something doesn't automatically make you good at selling it. And even if you are good at selling it, that doesn't mean you can manage its growth.

The cycle is something like this:

Sales are booming, money is flowing in, and then you hit the pause button on sales to focus on fulfilling on those sales. Money comes in, but then it dries up because you're too busy delivering on what you've sold.

And let's not even get started on the stress and long hours involved in juggling all these tasks by yourself…

So, what's the solution here? The answer is outsourcing. But wait, before you start cringing at the thought of "compromising quality," let's reframe that POV.

It’s not about cutting corners or cheating the system. It's about making room for growth by smartly delegating tasks that don't require your personal touch.

Stay with me. I’m going to break down how to do this effectively, without sacrificing the soul of your business.


So you're at your desk, and your to-do list is staring you down like it's about to challenge you to a duel at high noon…

Sure, some of those tasks are pivotal, the kind that could make or break a business. But then, there are others — stuff like answering repetitive customer emails, scheduling social media posts, or managing your calendar.

These are what we call low-hanging fruits.

Why? Because while they're essential, they aren't the "juicy" core activities that only you, the founder, the visionary, can execute.

They're more like the side dishes that accompany the main course.

Necessary, but not star-of-the-show material.

So why on Earth are you, the chef and restaurant owner, out here peeling the potatoes?

The funny part is, we often trick ourselves into thinking these tasks are vital. "If I don't do it, it won't get done right," we argue.

But let me spill some truth tea here: that's not entrepreneurial genius…

That’s a bottleneck in the making. 😬

Think about it.

If you're doing tasks that you'd pay someone else $10 an hour to do, you're essentially paying yourself that same low hourly rate.

What could you be doing instead? Maybe spearheading your next killer launch? Or closing deals that will add a few more zeros to your MRR?

Let's talk numbers for a second:

  • If you free up just 2 hours a day from these lower-priority tasks, that's 10 hours a week.

  • Over a month, you're looking at 40 hours. That's an entire workweek you get back to invest in the high-stakes, high-reward tasks that can truly propel your business to new heights.

Let that sink in.

Okay, so you're sold on the "why," but maybe you're stumbling on the "how."

How do you know which tasks are ripe for outsourcing? Simple.

Categorize your tasks by how crucial they are to your unique selling proposition (USP) and how much you'd have to pay someone to do them well.

Anything that doesn't directly add to your USP and has a low hourly rate is ready to be plucked from your to-do list and handed off to someone else.

Enter: An assistant (virtual or otherwise).

You see, the magic of entrepreneurship isn't in doing all the things; it's in doing the right things. So, make room for tasks that deserve your undivided attention, your magic touch.

We're in the business of building legacies, not glorified freelancing gigs.

By pinpointing and outsourcing these lower-priority tasks, you set the stage for a business that thrives, scales, and yes… Lets you sleep at night.


Let me hit you with a perspective-shifter:

Your deficit is someone else's opportunity.

Yep, you heard me right. What you see as a tedious task could be another person's golden ticket, their chance to strut their stuff and shine.

When you find the right people to take over tasks, you're not just delegating — you're creating systems. Repeatable, scalable systems that turn your business into a well-oiled machine rather than a fragile house of cards.

Having a job and having a business are as different as night and day.

A job is a wobbly house of cards built around you, around your time and your skill set.

But a business? Oh, baby, that's a skyscraper made of steel beams and concrete, rising higher and higher regardless of whether you're on the construction site or sipping a piña colada in the Bahamas.

Your business should be able to run without you.

That's right. If you've built it around systems — around people and automations empowered to do what they do best — then stepping away won't bring the walls crashing down.

Stop seeing your weaknesses or areas of disinterest as liabilities. 

Instead, view them as gaps that, when filled by the right talent, turn into bridges…

Bridges that lead your business from a shaky start-up to an empire.

So go ahead. Open that "Ugh, Do I Have To?" folder and start identifying your deficits.

Because in those deficits lies your next big opportunity. 

Someone out there is just waiting to pick up where you’ve left off, turning your "can't" into their "can."


Alright, I’ve waxed poetic about the "why" of outsourcing. Let’s hammer down on the "how."

If you've been around the entrepreneurial block, you'll know that doing something half-baked is a recipe for disaster.

So, how do you ensure your outsourced tasks aren't just getting done but getting done well?

I first learned this concept a couple years ago from Tim Francis — it’s the idea of 360 Delegation.

Meet your new best friends: Vision, Resources, and Definition of Done. This trio is like the GPS system for your delegation journey. Stick with 'em, and you'll never get lost.

  • Vision: What's the end game here? What's the business Mona Lisa you're trying to paint with this particular task?

  • Resources: Think Batman's utility belt. What tools, files, or how-to guides does your outsourced talent need to bring your vision to life?

  • Definition of Done: What does the finish line look like? Is it a finalized report, a functional app, or maybe customer satisfaction numbers going through the roof?

Map these out before you delegate. Provide this framework to whoever's on the receiving end of the task, and voilà — you've just increased your odds of nailing it. You can even record a Loom going over this trio to save yourself the time of typing it all out.

Try it. Test it. Tweak it. Delegate like this and you're not just tossing tasks over a fence and hoping for the best. You're aiming, firing, and hitting the bullseye.

And remember, this isn't just about getting stuff off your plate. It's about doing so in a way that…

  • Gives someone an opportunity to shine

  • Amplifies quality

  • Rockets your efficiency

  • Puts your business on the fast-track to legendary status

You're welcome. 🎯

To put it simply, time ≠ money, time >> money.

The exchange rate between your earning potential and the small amount you might pay someone else can lead to significant gains in quality of life and business growth.

So, quit the guilt and start outsourcing responsibly. Your business (and your sanity) will thank you.

Finally, a shameless plug: To really kickstart your guilt-free outsourcing journey, check out this deal from ZappyChat to find supercharged robots willing to take on those lower-priority tasks.

To profiting more and working less. 💸 


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🐽 Pig kidneys for human kidneys? Doctors are celebrating a new possibility: using animal organs for humans in need of a transplant. This comes after a pig kidney successfully operated in a brain dead man’s body for 2 months.

💄🚫 “Barbie” will not be dancing the night away or beaching it on any movie theater screen in Vietnam. Vietnam has banned the $1.4 billion movie from playing in any of its theaters because of a doodled “geographical” map (a prop in a scene) that the country calls offensive.

🩻 Past talks of using AI in healthcare have caused people’s stomachs to twist. This innovation is different. Google and the Department of Defense teamed up to build an AI-powered microscope, also called an Augmented Reality Microscope, which has a promising potential to help under-staffed pathologists correctly identify cancer and its severity.


SaaS Launch Live Speaker Reveal #4

We couldn’t have one half of Hite Digital International without the other…

I’m excited to share that JC Hite will be one of our keynote speakers at SaaS Launch Live!

JC is a visionary, a digital marketing expert transforming other agency owners’ lives by equipping them with the resources they need to master digital marketing.

He and Karen (Mr. and Mrs. Hite, mind you) run The Commitment Summit, Agency Intensives, and Committed Mastermind to help marketing entrepreneurs like you unlock success with stability and purpose. Get excited to hear their wisdom!

Ready to learn from industry experts who know how to grow a business?! I’m excited 😉 If you haven’t secured your ticket, get it now.


Ready to kick your agency into high gear? HL Pro Tools has got your back with two awesome options to join our community and start making moves:

🌟 Get branded support for your HighLevel agency @ We give you all the tools you need to kick SaaS, complete with personalized branding that will make you feel like a boss.

🌟 Join our Facebook group and connect with other CEOs who are revolutionizing the game by sharing insider tips and tricks that will make you feel like a true industry leader in no time!


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