This DM ruined my day

Your sign to press pause on negativity ⬇️

Once upon a time, I received a DM.

Riveting, I know.

Yeah, a direct message from a total stranger, complete with a mysterious Loom video link.

It came in at around 8 p.m. — so naturally, I missed it.

By the morning, I’d received another… but this time the vibe was different.

In the span of one REM cycle, it felt like I had become their “least favorite person.”

Deep down, I knew I would’ve gotten to this person’s video when I had time…

But the sad thing was this all happened in a matter of 12 hours… 8 of which I was sleeping.

What surprised me the most was how much guilt I felt.

My first reaction was to blame myself and to brainstorm how I could do better.

But the reality is if I didn’t set up work boundaries or make an intentional effort to have tech-free time, I’d likely be a pessimistic dude with little motivation to do anything great as an entrepreneur. That’s why making an intentional effort to disconnect is essential.

Today in 6 minutes or less:

✔️ The dark side of growth

✔️ The art of pressing pause

✔️ My personal daily reset


It’s a shared experience among entrepreneurs: when you grow past who you once were, you naturally become a target for judgment.

Think about it like this — As the owner and sole team member of a business, you’re the face, the first point of contact for curious leads and for your cherished clients.

Entrepreneurship makes you a leader, and with a product out in the digital market, you’ve made a name for yourself.

You have greater visibility and responsibility in this online world that might be new to you… It’s like facing the shock of becoming a first-time parent — awe and overwhelm and a lot of “I can’t believe this is real” moments.

Your door is wide open to judgment and a whole lot of dished “2 cents” from people you didn’t invite…

Now, you may not have had your character questioned by digital mobs with virtual pitchforks (yet). But we all experience judgment — maybe it was your Aunt Karen asking when you'll get a "real job" or a friend from college subtly suggesting you should be a millionaire by now, given how much you work.

And let's not kid ourselves — we're practically married to our screens, living and breathing the ins and outs of our industries.

So, when you're already spending a good chunk of your day battling challenges in your business, the last thing you need is negativity piling up…

How do we deal with the weight of it all and not let the negativity consume us?

Here's the hard truth: You can't please everyone. And if you're waiting for that day, you're wasting time that could be spent growing your business, your passion, your dream.

Every once in a while, unplug. Literally and figuratively.

Shut down the devices, step away from the screen, and reconnect with what matters — your goals, your loved ones, and yourself.

Why? Because staying grounded while you chase success is what will keep it tasting sweet.


I could’ve let the instance with the Loom dig at my conscience all day. Fueling me with negativity and thoughts of “I could’ve done better to respond…” that turn into angry ones, like “Who do they think they are?”

Instead, I hit the 'Pause' button on my brain and biz. I took some well-needed “me” time. Now, disconnecting is a regular practice I don’t skip ⬇️

Disconnecting is all about creating space. It’s not a quick 10 minutes squished in between hectic calls…

It’s an intentional time to ground yourself and find some peace.

For me, it’s exercise and family time. Here’s how my daily reset goes: 

  1. Digital Detox: Once 6 p.m. hits, my phone becomes a desk accessory. If you’re really struggling to unplug, create a physical boundary between yourself and your devices. Choose a drawer or a box where your phone goes at a specific time each day. Out of sight, out of mind will help you resist the urge to "quickly check" your emails or social media.

  1. Finding My Rhythm: I commit to working out because physical activity is easily one of the first things to go when my schedule is packed. You hear it all the time… If you don’t have health, you don’t have anything. If you can throw in 15-30 minutes of exercise in your day, I encourage it. Otherwise, fill your time with something else you value.

  1. Take It Up a Notch: If I’m already treating myself to something incredible, why not go a step further? Recently, I started pairing my workouts with the sauna… and oh, does it feel like luxury. At this point in the night, I’m finding a meditative state. Finding silence, pursuing empathy for anything that upset me, and finding gratitude in the work I do. Mindfulness is a wonderful tool for dissolving any pent-up negativity.

  1. Family Time: Nothing replaces time with my wife and boys. Being intentional about quality time makes the screen time and angry DMs all the more bearable.

    I use my Google calendar to mark out family time as if it's a non-negotiable meeting. This locks in my commitment and makes it visible to my team or anyone else trying to book on my calendar. I also make a point to engage in activities that require collective attention, like board games or outdoor activities. This not only makes for fun & epic memories, but it ensures I’m present both physically and mentally.

When we make a habit of disconnecting, we lay the foundation for a state of well-being that shouldn’t be considered “a luxury.”

The first step is prioritizing self-care and activities that rejuvenate our physical and emotional health (so, yes, separate from your phone, close your SaaS). This empowers us to return to our work recharged — poised to approach challenges with renewed vision, a fresh perspective and ready to welcome growth.

As leaders, we set the pace, not just for our businesses, but for our lives.

Taking the time to disconnect from a space we spend 90% of our time is as much of a business strategy as it is necessary rest.

Negativity will always creep in… from outside voices, clients, or classic tech frustrations… it’s a pesky fly that overstays its welcome, and buzzes until you’re past the point of snapping.

You can't grow if you’re mentally drained. And drowning in blue light is a dumb way to die.

Embrace your humanity, find your way of disconnecting, and watch how your margins — both health and financial — soar.

To profiting more and working less. 💸 


News you want to read...

🏊 81.4 miles. Unassisted. Continuous. These are the details of Belgian ultra-athlete Matthieu Bonne’s record-breaking swim that took place from Aug. 31 - Sept. 2 in OPEN water. Imagine putting yourself through a challenge like that!

💼 Today starts the DOJ’s battle against Google. The main decision to be made: Is Google crossing the line? Are they building a monopoly and breaking antitrust laws by paying billions of dollars to developers to be your default browser? Controlling, much?? Or, beneficial? The time has come. Big Tech will answer to the government and defend their empires.

😰 The nation might break out in a panic. A former secret service agent of JFK is telling his account of JFK’s assassination — and it contradicts the story Americans have long accepted.


SaaS Launch Live Speaker Reveal #3

As SaaS agency owners, we’re immersed in digital marketing. It’s the essence of what we offer and how we grow our communities. Without effective strategies, our agencies struggle to capture businesses’ attention.

That’s why we invited Karen Hite to speak at SLL! She’s an experienced digital marketer who is dedicated to mastering her craft.

A member of Master Hackers, an elite group of digital marketers, Karen is the co-founder of Hite Digital International — one of the fastest-growing agencies in the U.S. ranked on the INC 5000 list.

As a mother and wife balancing business and growth, Karen offers a special perspective for all of us SaaS founders to hear.

Haven’t locked in your spot to SaaS Launch Live? No worries. Get your ticket here.


Ready to kick your agency into high gear? HL Pro Tools has got your back with two awesome options to join our community and start making moves:

🌟 Get branded support for your HighLevel agency @ We give you all the tools you need to kick SaaS, complete with personalized branding that will make you feel like a boss.

🌟 Join our Facebook group and connect with other CEOs who are revolutionizing the game by sharing insider tips and tricks that will make you feel like a true industry leader in no time!


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