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Multiply your reach without multiplying your work

Sustainability isn’t just for the environment ♻️

Time is ticking. The day is closing. And I’m sweating profusely… even though I’ve done nothing but stand here in my office.

This is how much producing and putting out content terrified me when I first started.

I missed out on needle-moving work because I let my Content-phobia take control. Minutes ticked by while I second-guessed my ideas and procrastinated hitting the record button…

Do you break into a cold sweat just thinking about having to produce fresh, high-quality content for your different channels?

Fearful of missing out on your best clients and opportunities if you don’t put out posts that are “gold standard”?

To get over my deepest wishes to avoid all-things-content, I followed two pieces of advice:

  1. Imperfect action creates results

  2. Just like plastic, reduce, reuse, and recycle what you create

These two pieces of advice helped me build a presence on multiple platforms, develop relationships with my leads, and resist the urge to let content creation be my bottleneck.

Are you looking to strategically transform your content, maximize your time, and significantly boost your lead gen game?

I thought so.

Today in 6 minutes or less:

✔️ The Perfect Ratio for Content Bliss

✔️ The Rule of Familiarity

✔️ Repitition to 10x Your Impact

✔️ The 4-Step Process for Happy Leads

✔️ Why You Need “Content Buckets”


80/20. That’s the ultimate ratio.

If you let this principle drive your decisions, 20% of your effort should build 80% of your success.

Now, wouldn’t that make for a blissful morning? Something like the “old days”: reading the newspaper on the porch, slowly sipping coffee, feeling the sun and its early rays before even thinking about work…

You might be familiar with this concept: “20% of your customers create 80% of your revenue.”

This is the 80/20 rule (aka the Pareto Principle) in its most popular form… but how can you create this ease in your content production?

If you spend hours, maybe days, crafting that perfect podcast episode or YouTube video, putting so much care into packing it with valuable insights, data, and actionable tips…

Why leave all that hard work in one format, on one platform?

My approach to content (... well, my approach to everything) embraces the 80/20 rule.

I like to focus on the 20% of the business that powers us (or is undoubtedly essential), and fast-track as many lower-priority tasks as possible.

So what does this look like? My team and I often recycle themes and messages from content that takes the longest to produce — our podcasts and YouTube videos. These messages become powerful emails and social media posts.

Working smarter isn't laziness or simply efficient.

It's strategic brilliance.

Let me share how you can bring it into your life.


Familiarity breeds trust. Trust breeds long-term relationships, and long-term relationships mean a sustainable business.

When building up your social media platforms, you want to establish commonality.

A unified narrative.

When someone jumps from your Facebook page to your email in their inbox, they should find a similar theme across your content.

They can further immerse themselves in a familiar conversation, rather than toggling between “email marketing tips” in their inbox and “strategies for gathering testimonials” on Facebook.

When we boil it down even more, we realize that every individual in our audience — yes, even the ones you haven't reached yet — has a preferred platform.

Some people love to soak in knowledge through podcasts during their commute; others find their zen moment reading in-depth articles; some scroll through X or LinkedIn for quick insights.

And let's not forget the visual learners feasting on YouTube and Instagram content.

How do you accomplish a cohesive digital presence that reaches your audience without multiplying your workload by ten?

Content recycling.


When you create content for your audience on one platform, you spread a message.

When you repurpose it for another, you amplify it. 

By recycling content, you make your message accessible in the format your audience prefers, which means you're more likely to reach them.

Example: Say you've created an amazing podcast episode about conversion rate optimization strategies.

That audio can easily become a transcript…

Which can then be molded into a blog post.

That blog post can be spliced into multiple LinkedIn or Twitter posts.

Key insights can be turned into a visually appealing infographic for Instagram.

See where I'm going? ♻️

You've suddenly populated five different channels with deep, quality content — all stemming from one single podcast episode, which means you’re following a single theme 👏

By meeting your ideal customers on their preferred platforms, you're not just grabbing their attention — you're holding it. 

You're providing value in a way that's most convenient for them, thereby increasing the likelihood they’ll engage with your brand over and over again

And potentially across platforms.

With your message clearly and strategically recycled, you can be everywhere your audience is, without the burnout.

So the next time you think about starting from scratch for your next Instagram post or newsletter, take a step back and ask, "Can I recycle something brilliant I've already created?"

Odds are, you can — and you should.


If social media crashes tomorrow, your email list has your back.

You’ve heard it before — email is gold. On this channel, you own your list. It’s not borrowed like it is on social media.

Content recycling isn’t just for keeping up with social media and churning out content on the reg. It also helps you build a dynamic, segmented lead journey.

You like to keep up with your leads, right? By sending them content to help them believe you’re the best marketing platform in the industry?

Well, you can keep this up while making new friends — the people who’re just entering your ecosystem — feel like VIP subscribers. All you have to do is deliver content that’s guaranteed to improve their days.

How do you deliver on this promise?

By recycling the emails that knocked it out of the park — the ones with high open rates, stellar click-throughs, raving feedback — and resend it to these folks who’ve never seen it before.

Why let an awesome email languish in the graveyard of past campaigns? It’s like having a chart-topping hit and never playing it again. Makes no sense, right?

The beauty of high-performing emails is that they resonate with your audience. These aren't one-hit wonders; they're classics.

Here's how to build strong relationships with new leads: Create an "Evergreen Email Strategy," and here’s how…

Step 1: Identify High-Performing Emails

Go through your analytics and identify the emails that performed exceptionally well. Look for high open rates, click-through rates, and engagement levels.

Step 2: Extract the 'Why'

Dive into these emails to understand what made them stand out. Was it the compelling headline? The valuable content? The strong call-to-action? Identifying these elements will help you understand the secret sauce of your successful email recipe.

Step 3: Create a New Lead Sequence

Take these high-performing emails and build a new lead sequence around them. If one email worked well in a holiday promotion, could it also serve in a welcome sequence for new leads? Recontextualize the email to fit different audience segments or stages of the customer journey.

Step 4: Automate

Here's where the magic happens. Automate this new sequence to trigger at specific touchpoints — whether it's when someone first subscribes, upgrades their service, or even abandons a cart.

By evergreening your top-performing emails, you’re working efficiently by giving your hard work an extended life.

Capitalize on what's already proven to work and let yourself focus your creative juices on innovation rather than reinvention.

Your email metrics (and time and energy) will thank you for it.


Ready to approach content creation with new zest? Recycling your content across channels and evergreening classic emails are two strategies that can make you a content pro.

But to make sure that moments when you’re staring at a blank page or sitting in front of your camera with zip to say are few and far between…

I have a final strategy to help you get the ball rolling during brainstorms: Content Buckets.

When you boil content creation down to its simplest form, it’s a range of topics that you naturally talk about.

Each of these topics can fit into a "bucket" — a category that encapsulates a particular theme, message, or focus area of your brand. For example, if your main focus is improving business reputation, your buckets could be "Digital Presence," “Automation Tactics," and "Testimonial Tips."

When you've got your buckets in place, content ideation becomes a breeze.

Instead of brainstorming topics out of thin air, you pull from your buckets of expertise.

Got a bucket on "Digital Presence"? That could turn into podcast episodes, YouTube videos, and yes, killer emails — all focusing on various aspects of that category.

But it’s not just about making life easier for you (although that’s a nice perk). These buckets also become the thematic pillars of your brand. 

They create a unified, consistent message that tells your audience, "This is what we're about."

You're no longer one of thousands of voices in the crowded content mashup; you're the expert in your field.

These will set your direction and purpose.


If you’re interested in working smarter + delivering consistent, gold-star value with content recycling, here’s your easy-peasy guide to get started:

Step 1: Identify Your High-Performing Content

Whether it's a blog post, a video, or an email, look at your analytics to identify what's already doing well.

Step 2: Create Content Buckets for Ideation

Based on what's working and what aligns with your brand, create 3-5 content buckets to guide future content creation.

Step 3: Regenerate and Repurpose Across Channels

Take that awesome podcast episode and turn it into a blog post, an infographic, or a sequence of social media posts.

Step 4: Evergreen and Automate Emails

Incorporate your top-performing emails into automated sequences that you can continually test and improve.

Step 5: Evaluate and Adjust

Your content strategy should be diverse. Regularly check your analytics to see what's working and where you can make adjustments.

Content recycling is more than just a time-saving tactic. It's a way to consistently meet your audience where they are, to amplify and solidify your brand's message, and yes, to make your life a heck of a lot easier as you build your presence across platforms.

Because let's face it, in the SaaS game, sustainability is the end goal.

To profiting more and working less. 💸 


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SaaS Launch Live is on its way (T-19 days!!!)

And I’ve got another speaker to share…

He’s a small business marketing expert, whose white label SaaS has achieved a seven-figure run rate by helping his clients build effective marketing campaigns that have generated $20+ million in revenue combined.

You might recognize him from his webinar workshop with Paulson on the HighLevel YouTube channel.

That’s right, it’s Andy Audate 🔥

If you want to learn from Andy and his success in delivering marketing services with SaaS, get your ticket here.


Ready to kick your agency into high gear? HL Pro Tools has got your back with two awesome options to join our community and start making moves:

🌟 Get branded support for your HighLevel agency @ hlprotools.com. We give you all the tools you need to kick SaaS, complete with personalized branding that will make you feel like a boss.

🌟 Join our Facebook group and connect with other CEOs who are revolutionizing the game by sharing insider tips and tricks that will make you feel like a true industry leader in no time!


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