Elmo, marriage, and messes

These boxes saved my marriage šŸ“¦ļø 

Before my wife and I said our "I do's", we spent a whopping one and a half years engaged.

No, it wasn't because of cold feet or indecision about the wedding menuā€¦

My soon-to-be-wife and I were deeply invested in preparing ourselves for the lifelong journey of marriage.

We had a golden opportunity, given our extended engagement, to arm ourselves with tools and strategies. We met with counselors who had seen thousands of marriagesā€¦ And learned from the ones that did (and didnā€™t) last.

During that time, we learned of a single concept that has transformed our relationship and saved us from undoing.

Today in 5 minutes or less:

āœ”ļø Clean up, clean everybody everywhere

āœ”ļø Entrepreneur overwhelm?

āœ”ļø 3 bins to contain your business mess


Picture a lively household, the laughter of kids, and amidst all the joys, the very palpable chaos of toys... everywhere. (AKA my life)

Here's a flashback: Post bedtime lullabies for the boys, my wife and I would tiptoe and share a brief, triumphant glance, relishing the impending quiet.

But entering the living room? It felt more like stepping onto a treacherous minefield of blocks and rogue Elmo figures.

The toy chaos soon started wearing on our nerves. In desperation, I thought, "Why donā€™t we just get a toy chest?"


It wasn't about eradicating the mess but containing it.

This same concept applies to our relationships. Think about it. Every minor annoyance, every little argument, those lingering ā€œweā€™ll talk about it laterā€ moments ā€” theyā€™re like those toys.

Lying all over the floor. Everywhere. Always.

What if I told you can contain the chaos?

Not eliminate it, but manage it. To give it a space where itā€™s not just about brushing it off to the side, but addressing the mess.

Enter: Container time.

It's what my wife and I swear by. It's our buffer, our breather. A dedicated slot in our week to chat, to unpack, to declutter our relationship woes.

The concept is thisā€¦

Set aside scheduled time to check in with your relationship. Itā€™s space to release tension and annoyances ā€” Itā€™s date night, but for the mess.

Let's be real. Issues? They're inevitable.

Thereā€™s always going to be a mess.

Letting it fester? That's a choice.

That passive-aggressive comment, the silence over dinner, or even that escalated argument ā€” all signs of a relationship scattered all over the place.

Hereā€™s how container time works:

šŸš¦ The Rules:

  • Make it Regular: Weekly, Bi-Weekly, Monthly. Find a rhythm that you can keep and stick to it.

  • Choose Neutral Ground: A cafĆ© or park. Public places keep the drama level low.

  • Alternate Who Leads: Today it's your Why-Do-You-Always-Leave-Empty-Milk-Cartons-In-The-Fridge turn. Next week, it might be their You-Own-Too-Many-Pairs-Of-Shoes moment.

This regular time is the toy box you both need. A consistent space to address your woes amidst the constant cycle of life.

When you give yourselves a container to deal with the mess, youā€™ll have a greater capacity to embrace the quirks and lovable flaws of your relationships.


Ever felt like your business is those toys? An unorganized, chaotic mess sprawled all over the floor?

Yeah, I've been thereā€¦

Overwhelm, thy name is entrepreneurship, right?

Just as in relationships, your business can benefit from the lessons of container time.

Itā€™s all about creating that margin, a little breathing space, where you get to hold the chaos, observe it, and deal with it, rather than being swallowed whole. Letā€™s get into it.


  1. Delegate šŸ“¦ļø 

I used to think of my business like a big pot with all these ingredients I had to manage. But let's be honest, juggling everything alone? It's exhausting and not the best strategy.

That's when I started handing off tasks.

For example, sales is my shtick. I love sales. I thrive in sales.

But taking every single sales call and packing out my calendar day after day? Not sustainable.

Thatā€™s why I hired and trained salespeople who lighten the load and gives me that space I need to tend to other areas of the business.

Remember: Delegating isnā€™t relinquishing control. It's about optimizing your resources effectively so you can create space in your business to zoom out ā¬‡ļø

  1. Zoom out šŸ“¦ļø 

Ever heard the saying, ā€œCanā€™t see the forest for the trees?ā€

Thatā€™s you, buddy, if youā€™re always nose-deep in the nitty-gritty.

Zoom out. Look at the broader picture.

If your entire calendar is just firefighting client catastrophes and plugging leaks, it's time for a change. Container time allows you to focus on the big picture.

Block out 1-2 hours once a week to step back and reflect.

Ask yourself: Where is the business heading? What's my vision?

  1. Network šŸ“¦ļø 

Step out! Literally.

Carve out time for live events and networking.

I know itā€™s tempting to stay cooped up in your home office, but having others point out your blind spots can be a revelation! Plus, the bonds you build can evolve into friendships, mentorships, or partnerships ā€” providing both emotional and professional support.

(The HighLevel Summit is just around the corner and will be great for this šŸ‘€ )

And here's the silver lining in 2024: networking isnā€™t limited to in-person events.

Social media, webinars, and virtual workshops provide spaces where you can engage thoughtfully and at your own pace.

Whether it's relationships or the rollercoaster of entrepreneurship, life has its fair share of messy moments...

And I bet you've been there ā€” drowning in chaos, looking for that one strategy that promises sanityā€¦

Life, as I've learned (often the hard way), isn't about avoiding messes ā€” it's about managing them.

In my marriage and my daily dad adventures, I've realized one thing: giving a dedicated space for our messes, whether it's our relationship hiccups or those business blind spots, is invaluable.

It's about creating intentional pockets of clarity amidst the madness.

Now, I want you to take a moment: Think of one area in your life that's a mess, begging for some attention.

How can you carve out your own 'container time' for it?

Whether you're trying to be a more present partner, a savvier entrepreneur, or just someone looking to make sense of it all, here's my final piece of advice:

Embrace your mess, but give it a space. Only then can you truly appreciate the beauty in the chaos.

To profiting more and working less. šŸ’ø 


News you want to read...

šŸ¤“ Merriam-Webster added 200 new words to its dictionary, including ā€œfreestyle,ā€ ā€œbeach read,ā€ and ā€œIDGAF.ā€

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Iā€™ve teamed up with Dar Holdsworth to pull back the curtain on everything we learned from selling a HighLevel SaaSā€”and trust me, weā€™re not holding back.

We closed our deal on September 6th, and now weā€™re breaking down the exact steps that led to a 7-figure exit.

If youā€™ve ever wondered how to scale and sell your SaaS business, this is your golden opportunity to learn from our real-world experience šŸ‘‡ļø 

Join us for the workshop on Friday at 10am PT.

RSVP now to save your spot!


Ready to kick your agency into high gear? HL Pro Tools has got your back with two awesome options to join our community and start making moves:

šŸŒŸ Get branded support for your HighLevel agency @ hlprotools.com. We give you all the tools you need to kick SaaS, complete with personalized branding that will make you feel like a boss.

šŸŒŸ Join our Facebook group and connect with other CEOs who are revolutionizing the game by sharing insider tips and tricks that will make you feel like a true industry leader in no time!


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