I paid to learn this (so you don't have to)

“Just move fast and break things,” they said. Here’s what they didn’t tell you… 

So, you’ve heard it before—"move fast and break things," right?

What if I told you there’s a smarter way to play the game?

Today, we're pulling back the curtain on a marketing mastermind who’s doing just that—moving fast, breaking the right things, and turning everyday businesses into cash machines.

You’ve probably seen his content, maybe even admired his hustle from afar…

But what if I told you that behind the scenes, there’s a whole different level of strategy at play?

Today in 4 minutes or less:

✔️ The $100M Playbook

✔️ Inside the workshop funnel that prints millions

✔️ Hook, line, and sinker


A few years back, Alex Hormozi was just a guy with a vision, helping gyms get their act together.

Today, he’s running one of the most efficient marketing machines out there, all while turning businesses into empires.

It wasn’t always flashy, though…

In fact, it started with a simple idea: Help gym owners who were drowning in their own businesses.

He didn’t have the biggest audience, but what he did have was a deep understanding of sales and a relentless drive to execute.

It all kicked off with Gym Launch, a program that wasn’t just about filling gyms with clients but about transforming the entire business model.

The first big win: Scaling gyms to six and seven figures while other business owners were scratching their heads, wondering why their marketing wasn’t sticking.

But here’s where it gets interesting… Alex didn’t stop at gyms. He realized there was a bigger opportunity—one that involved buying a piece of the businesses he was helping. This wasn’t just consulting. It was ownership.

Acquisition.com was born out of this insight. Alex flipped the script—he wasn’t just offering advice; he was offering a lifeline to businesses, with skin in the game.

The genius?

He tied his compensation to the top line, not the bottom line, ensuring he got paid whether the business made a profit or not.

As his reputation grew, so did his reach. Alex mastered the art of personal branding and leveraged it to scale his portfolio, all while sharing his playbook openly with the world. He’s not just teaching… He’s doing, and that’s why people trust him.

The takeaway? 👇️ 

It’s not just about having a great product or service. It’s about executing with precision and scaling with strategy.

And Alex? He’s proof that when you combine intensity + savvy moves, you don’t just play the game—you own it.


Ever wondered how Acquisition.com funnels folks from a $5,000 workshop to a $115,000 mastermind?

Let’s pull back the curtain.

The $5K Entry Point: It all starts with an irresistible offer—a $5,000 two-day workshop. Attendees get a deep dive into the exact framework that scaled businesses to massive exits. The hook? Real, actionable strategies from Alex Hormozi’s playbook.

The Upsell to $20K: But here’s where it gets even more interesting. Attendees who crave more are pitched a $20,000 upgrade—an advanced workshop that digs into the “how” with laser-focused precision. Want more? Get ready to fork out some serious cash.

The $115K Mastermind: The final tier? A $115,000 exclusive mastermind with Alex himself, reserved for the top 10% of businesses. This is where the magic happens—high-level strategy, personalized guidance, and a room full of top-tier entrepreneurs.

How to do it yourself:

  1. Start Small, Scale Big: Begin with a lower-cost, high-value entry offer. This could be a workshop, a course, or even a consultation package.

  2. Create Irresistible Upsells: Once they’re in, offer a next-level experience that’s too good to pass up. Think advanced training, VIP access, or exclusive tools.

  3. Leverage Scarcity: Cap your highest-tier offer to create exclusivity. Limited spots drive demand and position your service as premium.

By implementing these funnel strategies, you can scale your business and attract high-paying clients, just like Acquisition.com.


When it comes to scaling a business, not all metrics are created equal.

After attending one of these workshops myself, two metrics stood out as Alex’s most important: Time to Value (TTV) and Net LTV to CAC.

Let’s break ‘em down.

Time to Value (TTV): This is all about speed—how quickly your customers experience the value of your product or service. The faster they see results, the more likely they are to stick around and become loyal advocates. In SaaS, this could mean the time it takes for a new user to set up and start seeing the benefits of your software. The goal? Shorten that window as much as possible.

Net LTV to CAC: Lifetime Value (LTV) compared to Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC) is a metric you’ve probably heard of. But here’s the kicker—Net LTV to CAC digs deeper, focusing on the profit generated from a customer relative to what it costs to acquire them. This metric is crucial because it ensures you’re not just growing your revenue but also maximizing your profitability.

Why these metrics matter:

  1. TTV drives customer satisfaction and retention: The quicker your customers see value, the less likely they are to churn. It’s about delivering results fast and keeping them hooked.

  2. Net LTV to CAC ensures sustainable growth: By focusing on net profit rather than just gross revenue, you’re building a business that’s not only growing but also financially healthy. This is key to increasing your business’s value and making it more attractive for potential buyers or investors.

How you can apply ‘em:

  1. Track and Optimize TTV: Identify the steps your customers take to achieve their first success with your product. Streamline this process, remove friction points, and track the time it takes from sign-up to value realization.

  2. Calculate Net LTV to CAC Regularly: Ensure you’re not just acquiring customers, but doing so profitably. Adjust your marketing spend and pricing strategy based on this metric to ensure long-term sustainability.

By focusing on these metrics, you’re setting your business up for sustainable growth, happier customers, and a more valuable company overall.

So there you have it—straight from the playbook: focus on delivering value fast and make sure every customer you bring in boosts your bottom line.

These are the bedrock of sustainable, scalable growth.

Take these strategies, put them to work in your business, and watch the numbers speak for themselves.

To profiting more and working less. 💸 


News you want to read...

🙅 The FTC voted to ban marketers from using fake reviews, such as those generated with AI technology, and other misleading advertising practices.

👁️ Worldcoin, an eye-scan project from OpenAI CEO Sam Altman, is facing global pushback.

🗣️ 5 phrases smart people always use to get noticed and succeed at work.


My latest video on how to automate a year’s worth of social media posts 👇️ 


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