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The ultimate weapon to effectively run your biz

The ultimate weapon to effectively run your biz

Some of the best life advice I've stumbled upon is "Sleep is a weapon."

Simple. Profound.

It came from Matthew Walker, the guru of sleep science — who also claims that neglecting sleep is "the greatest public health challenge we face in the 21st century."

Now, I won't go quite that far, but I do believe that mastering the science of sleep can be more game-changing than any productivity app or time-management seminar.

Not easier, mind you, but exponentially more impactful.

Today's newsletter delves into this overlooked element. The untapped power of sleep — and the considerable risk of neglecting it, both for your health and productivity.

Today in 4 minutes or less:

✔️ I was a high school lab rat

✔️ When I changed my sleep, I changed my game

✔️ The blueprint for maximizing sleep ROI


Here's something that sleep scientists won't readily admit:

You can skip the 8-hour dogma.

Yeah, you heard me right. Don't get me wrong; sleep is an unsung pillar in the holy trinity of health, alongside diet and exercise.

But it's not a one-size-fits-all situation.

I've lived it — I was a lab rat in a high school sleep study — and let me tell you, the nuances are fascinating.

I’ve always been able to knock out into deep sleep as soon as my head hits the pillow.

It allows me to function on 5 hours of shut-eye like it's no big deal…

But there's a flip side — I've been neglecting those sleep hygiene “best practices,” like turning off the dang phone and killing the blue light before I conk out.

Here's my point:

The realm of sleep is as nuanced as entrepreneurship itself. It's not just about accumulating hours in bed; it's about optimizing those hours for a high-yield, restorative experience.


Look, I used to be the guy who'd burn the midnight oil till 2 a.m., catch a quick six hours of sleep, and get up at 8 a.m. feeling like a rockstar 🤸🏻‍♂️🔥

As my team spread across time zones, I realized the early bird doesn't just catch the worm; he catches global opportunities.

So, I shifted gears ⚙️

Now, one of my adrenaline kicks is hitting the gym before the sun goes up.

Feeling like I’ve accomplished something meaningful before most people have even had their first cup of coffee?

That’s gold.

I know that my routine sounds like torture to some people.

We're all different — night owls, early risers, or whatever animal metaphor suits you.

Here’s the nugget:

Being an entrepreneur isn't just about making smart business decisions; it's about making smart life decisions.

Don't underestimate the power of aligning your sleep patterns, not just with your business demands, but with what your body and mind need to function at their peak.

In the quest for business greatness, remember that your greatest asset isn't just your product or service; it's you. Take care of yourself, and your business will follow suit.


Sleep isn't always top of mind when you're hustling to scale your business.

But what if I told you that your sleep could be your secret weapon, the unseen pillar of your business strategy?

Research suggests that inadequate sleep could cost you more than just feeling groggy; it could lead to poor decisions and lost business opportunities.

Here's the strategic approach to sleep you never knew you needed.

1. Sleep Due Diligence: Assess Your Circadian Rhythm

You wouldn't dive into a new market without some research, right? Whether you’re a night owl or an early bird, it’s vital to understand how your natural sleep cycle impacts your productivity.

Studies show that misaligning your sleep pattern can lead to serious health issues — think hypertension, obesity, and even dementia.

2. Shutdown Protocol: The Last Hour is for You, Not Your Inbox

Running on the 'always-on' culture? It's time to wind down.

Research demonstrates that spending at least an hour without electronic devices and caffeine can significantly improve sleep quality. Think of this as minimizing your operational risks; no phones, no caffeine, just peace.

3. Consistency is Your Business Model: Set a Sleep Schedule

Just as business consistency can yield higher returns, a consistent sleep schedule sets your biological clock for optimum performance.

Failure to maintain this schedule? Studies link inconsistent sleep patterns to memory loss and an increased risk of chronic illnesses.

4. Bedroom Ambiance: Your Personal Sleep HQ

When it comes to your bedroom, think of it as a dedicated workspace for sleep. A quiet, dark, and cool environment is not just a luxury, it’s a necessity backed by science.

A well-optimized sleep environment can directly impact your strategic thinking and decision-making skills.

5. Analytics & A/B Testing: Refine Your Sleep Strategy

You won't know if an ad campaign is effective unless you analyze the data. Similarly, tracking your sleep metrics can provide valuable insights. Make data-driven decisions to tweak your sleep routine and maximize its ROI.

Business is all about making the right choices at the right time. Arianna Huffington put it best: "I can tell you with authority that when I’m exhausted, I’m the worst version of myself."

Studies have confirmed that sleep deprivation leads to:

  • diminished cognitive function…

  • poor risk assessment…

  • and even jeopardized relationships with business partners and clients 😨

If you’re looking to level up your game, from daily tasks to strategic decisions, don't sleep on sleep.

Your well-being isn't just a personal win; it’s a business win. Sleep better to lead better. Find the routine that works for you, and stick with it.

After all, the best CEOs aren’t just awake to opportunities; they're well-rested for them.

To profiting more and working less. 💸 


News you want to read...

🏗 After 2 years, it’s a no Lego is on a mission to change how it makes its Lego bricks (the goal: to find a sustainable alternative to plastic and reduce its carbon emissions by 37% by 2032). Its first attempt at using recycled materials was a dud.

🐽 Update on pig organs in humans: The second human to ever receive a pig heart during a heart transplant is doing fine. Ineligible for a traditional heart transplant, this patient with end-stage heart disease gets a chance to live more life.

🏓 USA Pickleball predicts 25,000 more courts are needed across states to keep up with demand… however, the sport’s biggest initiative is to get quieter.


You don’t want to miss this

I get DMs regularly asking if we have any promos or specials happening. Well…

This week we do and it’s something big.

It’s not only my birthday week... it’s my wife’s, my wife’s sister’s, AND my mother-in-law’s. This week is jam-packed with celebration…

And if you’re wondering how I like to celebrate…

It usually involves mint cookie crumble ice cream and Ghirardelli brownies, on top of creating something that makes SaaS entrepreneurship more of a breeze.

And this year’s surprise has been 6 months in the making…

Working smarter, not harder is my life’s mantra and my hope is to show you how possible it is to grow your agency and be known for your value without sacrificing your life, sleep, or your family time.

If you want to supercharge your entrepreneurial journey in SaaS, RSVP to my birthday celebration. You won’t want to miss this birthday reveal.


Ready to kick your agency into high gear? HL Pro Tools has got your back with two awesome options to join our community and start making moves:

🌟 Get branded support for your HighLevel agency @ hlprotools.com. We give you all the tools you need to kick SaaS, complete with personalized branding that will make you feel like a boss.

🌟 Join our Facebook group and connect with other CEOs who are revolutionizing the game by sharing insider tips and tricks that will make you feel like a true industry leader in no time!


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