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The unspoken equation for sky-high margins 🛫

The unspoken equation for sky-high margins 🛫 

How I Met Your Mother Comedy GIF by Laff

Sure, highly customized client work and unique works of art have their merits…

But let’s be honest… if we aren’t careful, the digital business life can be a cutthroat race with shrinking margins.

I mean, are we in the HighLevel world just to become wage slaves?

Heck no.

So, here’s another play — a smarter way to unlock flying margins without burning the midnight oil or cloning yourself.

Today in 5 minutes or less:

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This isn’t calculus; it’s basic arithmetic.

The equation for living a high-margin life is simple: Output > Input.

You maximize the gap between what you spend (input) and what you make (output).

Think of it as the ROI on your time and resources. If your output far exceeds your input, you've got yourself a recipe for fat margins and a high-flying lifestyle.

For many in the digital space, the name of the game is systems and processes. You're already doing the work.

Why not document these processes, package it up, and sell it?

It's about taking your internal assets — your tried and tested processes — and productizing them.

Yes, productizing expertise can seem daunting, especially for those who don't consider themselves "born teachers."

But here's the deal: if you're building any sort of a team, you'll need to train them anyway. Why not make that training material so good that other people would pay for it?


Creating a systematic approach to what you do serves two purposes.

  1. Internally, it acts as training material for your current or future team, streamlining your operations.

  2. Externally, it becomes a product that you can sell.

It's a win-win.

You don’t need to start big. Prototype it first for your team. If it works internally, take that raw product and offer it to your audience.

You could even use it as a lead magnet — a piece of valuable content that people will exchange their email address for.

Imagine saying, "Give me your email, and I'll give you access to the same training I give my internal team."

That’s value. And, a smart play for building your email list.


There’s a hidden advantage here.

Teaching what you know not only productizes your expertise, but it makes you better at what you do.

Teaching forces you to understand your craft at a granular level. If you can teach it, you truly understand it.

So, there it is: the road to high margins paved with the gold of wins-wins-wins.

Make that gap between input and output as large as possible, and not only will your business thank you — your quality of life will, too.


Building a business you love doesn't mean bloating your operation with unnecessary resources and overhead.

To really succeed, you need to to maximize that gap between inputs (resources, time, money) and outputs (revenue, value creation). Here are additional ways to do so on top of productizing your expertise.

Your blueprint:

1. Be the Sherlock Holmes of Your Niche

Before you sell anything, you need to understand the problems within your niche deeply. Say you specialize in chiropractors — your goal should be to become the most trusted name for all things related to chiropractic customer acquisition and digital marketing.

Create content that speaks to the challenges faced by chiropractors. Think blog posts, webinars, and social media content about best practices, case studies, and market trends.

2. Convert Services into Snackable Solutions

Identify your clients' most common challenges and package your solutions as purchasable products.

Why not turn these into standardized, pre-packaged products?

Whether it's an SEO package, an email marketing set-up, or a customer-retention playbook, make it a product.

  • Step 1: Take inventory of the frequent services you offer.

  • Step 2: Systemize and document each one of them.

You can sell these as standalone products, or even bundle them together for a higher-ticket offer.

3. Dish Out Freebies That Pay You Back

The beauty of having a systemized and productized business model is that you can offer low-ticket or even free lead magnets that add value while also serving as an entry point into your ecosystem.

Whether it be your internal training, templates or other valuable resources, you can exchange these for email addresses. This tactic not only builds your list but can also cover some of your own costs (using resources you already have!)

4. Scale and Optimize for High Margins

Just because you're offering packaged products doesn't mean you can't tailor them. Offer add-ons or advanced versions to increase the average transaction value, thereby increasing your margin.

The leaner you can operate while delivering high value, the greater your margin will be. This doesn't just apply to money but also to time and resources.

After all, more margin = more freedom.

To profiting more and working less. 💸 


News you want to read...

🪨🪙 The Earth has a Midas touch – it can turn your countertop into gold; a new study details how earthquakes can cause quartz deposits to form into giant gold nuggets.

🗝️ The key to happiness? New research shows happiness might be linked to how people interact with both enjoyable and less enjoyable aspects of their lives. Read on here.

🤖 🍄 A team of researchers created two types of robots whose hardware is intertwined with living mushrooms.


Wanna stay ahead of the curve?

This new HighLevel feature is more than just a brand asset organizer–it’s the building block for the future of AI-powered marketing.

In my latest video, I uncover the benefits of using Brand Boards, especially for agencies or companies with larger teams, and the massive potential that HighLevel is building towards. 👇️ 


Ready to kick your agency into high gear? HL Pro Tools has got your back with two awesome options to join our community and start making moves:

🌟 Get branded support for your HighLevel agency @ hlprotools.com. We give you all the tools you need to kick SaaS, complete with personalized branding that will make you feel like a boss.

🌟 Join our Facebook group and connect with other CEOs who are revolutionizing the game by sharing insider tips and tricks that will make you feel like a true industry leader in no time!


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