Wanna double your MRR? Go fishin’

Wanna double your MRR? Go fishin’

hook line and sinker love GIF by Barbara Pozzi

Money is just a scorecard for value.

If you deliver more value, clients will want to pay you more money.

This is why you find folks selling the same product to different people for different prices — because it's the recipient who tells you how much it’s worth.

The recipe is simple: Give them more value, increase your price.

Today, I’m going to show you the easiest and fastest way to skyrocket your value…

And make your clients WANT to pay you more…

Just in time for Black Friday!

Today in 4 minutes or less:

✔️ The best sales tactic

✔️ Build a problem ladder

✔️ 4 Ways to sell SaaS like fish hooks


Let me share a story about this young, enthusiastic guy from Alberta.

He moved to Vancouver with dreams bigger than his suitcase. He landed a sales job at an “everything under one roof” department store.

After his first day, his boss asks him how many sales he made.

The kid says, “one”.

The boss replies, “Just one? Our salespeople average 20 to 30 customers a day… How much was the sale for?”

The kid says, “$101,237.65.”

The boss says, “$101,237.65? What the heck did you sell?”

The kid explains: “First, I sold him a small fish hook.

Then, I sold him a medium fishhook.

Then, I sold him a larger fishhook.

Then, I sold him a new fishing rod. Then, I asked him where he was going fishing, and he said down the coast, so I told him he was going to need a boat, so we went down to the boat department, and I sold him a twin-engine Chris Craft.

Then he said he didn’t think his Honda Civic would pull it, so I took him down to the automotive department and sold him that 4×4 Expedition.”

His method was simple yet powerful – he took the time to understand the customer's needs and escalated his offering to meet those needs comprehensively.

That's the essence of true upselling. It's not about convincing customers to buy more. It's about being genuinely curious and engaged in providing folks with real value.

It's more than a means to increase sales… It's a way to build trust, loyalty, and a reputation for truly understanding and meeting customer needs.

In a world where transactions can often feel impersonal and commoditized, this approach to upselling can be your differentiator.

It's about taking that extra step, diving a little deeper, and showing genuine interest in not just making a sale, but in finding the next problem you can solve.


So, we’re talking upselling. Not the "Do you want fries with that?" kind, but the kind that genuinely benefits everyone involved.

It’s not a sales trick. It's a service.

When done right, an upsell is an incredible win-win situation.

Take, for example, our go-to upsell for local businesses: ZappyChat, a tool for responding to leads 24/7.

Imagine this: Your first sale helps a business generate more leads. Now, they're facing the challenge of managing these new leads efficiently.

If you sell a solution that creates another problem, solving that next problem is the obvious upsell.

The result?

They’re able to save time and resources, which they reinvest back into their business.

Your revenue increases, sure, but more importantly, that local business scales up.

That's upselling at its best – a complete solution that adds real value.


But how do you embed this “Fish Hook” mindset into your business, especially if you're in SaaS?

  1. 🪝.Understand Before Upselling: Understand your customer's journey, identify their pain points, and offer solutions that genuinely help. And remember, it's not about pushing the most expensive option; it's about providing the option that offers the most value to your customer.

  1. 🪝 Identify Upselling Opportunities: Don't overlook your existing customer base. Often, your current customers are your best upsell opportunities. They already trust your brand and are familiar with your services. By offering them something extra that enhances their experience, you're deepening that relationship. That’s your upsell.

  1. 🪝 Balance with Customer Satisfaction: Always balance your upsell strategy with customer satisfaction. The goal is to make your customers feel heard and helped, not pushed into buying more. Provide free value more than you ask for anything on their end. This will establish trust and prove that you prioritize their success.

  2. 🪝 Use Every Interaction: Especially in SaaS, upselling can be integrated into various stages of the customer journey. From onboarding to regular check-ins, every interaction is an opportunity to provide more value, and potentially snag a sale.

    If you’re an HL Pro Tools member, you can use Feature Lockout in the Theme Builder to allow users to pay to “unlock” certain features in your software.

    Or offer an AI receptionist to respond to leads 24/7 and upsell folks with ZappyChat.

It doesn't take a highly trained sales wizard to master the art of the upsell. It's not about slimy sales tricks or overhauling your entire strategy overnight.

What I do advocate for is this:

Seek Your WHY in Upselling. Why are you upselling? Is it just to boost numbers or genuinely enhance your customer's experience and provide solutions? If you focus on the latter, everything else will fall into place.

A shift in perspective, a dash of empathy, and a commitment to genuine problem-solving can totally transform your sales game.

Here’s to making every sale not just a transaction but a stepping stone to greater value and deeper customer relationships.

To profiting more and working less. 💸 


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Last year, people spent $20 billion during the Black Friday, Small Business Saturday, and Cyber Monday weekend (or as I’ve been calling it: BFSBSCM weekend), according to a consumer trends report.

What this means: You can grab a slice of that $20 billion. Your audience wants to spend money, so why not join the Black Friday frenzy?

If you don’t have anything lined up or you have no clue where to start with a Black Friday campaign, I’ve got your back.

Check out my Procrastinator’s Black Friday Rescue Kit. Included are a collection of offer ideas, plus your email templates for the week.

P.S. More incentive to join in on this sales weekend: According to the same consumer trends report, 1/3 of shoppers this week are buying from new brands, which means you have the chance to bring in new customers. No more procrastinating! Get out there, make your brand known, and grab a slice of the pie. 🥧 


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🌟 Get branded support for your HighLevel agency @ hlprotools.com. We give you all the tools you need to kick SaaS, complete with personalized branding that will make you feel like a boss.

🌟 Join our Facebook group and connect with other CEOs who are revolutionizing the game by sharing insider tips and tricks that will make you feel like a true industry leader in no time!


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